EIN or Employer Identification Number

Get it right!

If you get it right from the beginning, you won’t have to deal with the many headaches, the pitfalls and dangers in the near future or soon after you file a document with the IRS. We all know or have heard how hard and frustrating it can be to get to speak with an IRS representative over the phone, so once again we must make sure that we get it right from the start, from the very beginning, because it is essentially important.

I Think I'm Ready!

Well, you have this wild idea that you want to start a business and that’s wonderful there is nothing wrong with that, in fact it is a great idea, it’s good for the economy, you, loved ones and friends, but what about paying and collecting taxes and employer identification? You need what is called an EIN/Employer Identification Number, from no where else, but the IRS/Internal Revenue Service. 

How Do I Get An EIN?

Contact us today, if you need some assistant to apply for an Employer Identification Number/EIN. We can help you accomplishing that goal, we’ve been down that road many times before and we know it can be intimidating for some, if they are not sure of what to do and how to do it. Nonetheless, if you have what it takes and don’t need any help from us just visit the IRS’ website for yourself and apply for it and best of all it is absolutely FREE of charge. 

Any Other Reasons Why I Need It?

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You really need to apply for it, because banks and other financial institutions are not going to give you a loan or open a business account for you without it, and you also need it, to report all expenses to the IRS, taxes you have already paid and also taxes that need to be paid when filing your taxes.

What does Almajor Services and its staff do?

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Well, once again you don’t have to use us if you do not want to, because you have to pay us a service fee. So what do we do? We assist you in accomplishing this task. We will guide you and provide all the necessary support that you need to make this process a breeze, we just step in the gap between you and the IRS, we offer a helping hand for those who may not, be familiar with the process and are not too sure, how to go by completing the application. 

It's Time to Start Your Adventures

At Almajor Services, we help individuals everyday accomplish great things. We walk along side you to make sure business is being conducted properly and lawfully. 


Almajor Services LLC is not affiliated with the IRS/Internal Revenue Service  or any government agency. We are not a law firm. Information and  the help we provide are not legal advice and do not substitute the advice, guidance or recommendations that a licensed attorney can provide. We are not attorneys and may not provide legal advice. We cannot represent you in court. Different states also means different laws, laws vary state by state. Check with your state to determine your state laws.

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